2017: A Year in Review
Happy New Year my people!
With the first day of 2018 well underway I thought it’d be nice to look back at all that was great about 2017. It was a year full of its own trials and tribulations, but every year has them so I hope this encourages you to look back at your own to try to find the incredibly beautiful bits for yourself. Sometimes they're just too easy to overlook.
I participated in the Boston Women's March and skied for the first time ever. Can I ski well? No.
was filled with friendship, drugstore highlighter (literally my favorite), and so many smiles. I visited my BFFL at Lehigh after not seeing her for 2 years, made some of my best friends at Harvard (shout-out to T and L), and did A LOT of yoga.
... the glorious month I decided to take 2 years off before medical school. I postponed my MCAT and still have NO RAGRETS.
I walked/performed in two incredible, student-run charity fashion shows. NOT my comfort zone.
Identities Fashion Show 2017
On the 25th of May, 2017, I got that Harvard degree. It's crazy to me how quickly the four years flew, but what really shakes me to my core is that I did exactly what 6 or 7 year old me set out to do. "When I grow up I'm going to Harvard." The thought gives me chills.. and it wouldn't have been possible without my people. We really did it. #firstgen
Was I hype? or was I HYPE?
I started studying for the MCAT and I turned 22. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!
This was also the month I decided I would start a blog (eventually) so I bought the domain name for Mez On The Move.
I continued to study for the MCAT but roped my sister into getting some studying done too.
This was a difficult month (it was hard to see how much she was struggling) but it was incredible to have a study buddy as intelligent and energetic as her.
Let's just say the MCAT blues were no match for little J.
Late-August, working through test strategies pool-side, with my MCAT 528.
To say I was feeling stressed in August would be an understatement. With my September test-date approaching I was a BALL OF STRESS- a literal BALL OF ANXIETY AND STRESS.
That's why when #7 asked if I wanted to take my studying to Jamaica with him I did not hesitate. Don't worry... about a thing... 'cus every little thing... is gonna be alright.
I took the MCAT on September 9th and while it left me feeling defeated, it was OVER.. and that was kind of nice. I chilled for the rest of the month and tried not to think about it.
A screenshot of my MCAT celebration.
After checking the AAMC site three times I found out I would never have to study for the MCAT again. OH HAPPY DAY.
Now that the MCAT was completely over I had time to really jump into my newfound creative passion: blogging! I started working on what has now become this tiny blip on the WorldWideWeb, I took my sister to her first football game, I brought yoga back into my life, and I bought my first denim jacket. VERY exciting stuff.
I launched this blog on the 19th (only 13 short days ago), I met Instagram friends IRL, and I started to feel really freaking happy about my decision to start sharing.. and blogging... and focusing on happy living and wellness.
2017 had its tough moments, but it was filled with so much joy and brought me a new passion and sense of purpose. I love to create but what I love to do more is connect... and this past year the universe set me up to do just that. I cannot wait for what 2018 will bring. This space has hands-down been the best thing to come out of 2017 and for you I will be forever grateful. All love always, xx